Photo by Pasquale Esposito

Pasquale shuten Esposito has been practicing (soto) zen Buddhism since 1993, following Master F. Taiten Guareschi. He was officially ordained at the Fudenji Temple in Fidenza, Italy (photo). (www.fudenji.it)
Pasquale is the President of the cultural association "Flowers in the Sky", an organization that gathers research and cultivates the education of the zen traditions: physically, socially and spiritually. He deepens his studies and zen practice by traveling in Europe and the USA.
He conducts meditation groups and entertains zen evenings and events.

Pasquale works professionally as an actor, a job that has been profoundly influenced and guided by his Zen Buddhism practice. He has studied under the guidance of F. De Sapio, S. Strasberg, S. Batson, G. Seacat and D. De Fazio - who had an impressionable benefit and change on his artistic research.
Being an actor also forces him to research "expression and communication" in depth. This originates with the zen tradition: focusing on revealing the reality of man's primal nature in every action and every event, and in contact with the surrounding environment.

In May 2002, he wrote and performed in his own one-man play "Code of Honor". This work reflects his dramatic studies and also his personal research as a man through Zen Buddhism.

His artistic passion has been the motor behind his first person research of "expression and communication". This has steered him in various directions:

In Rome he practiced Bioenergetics, beginning in 1990 with Ellen Green and continuing with Tommaso Traetta (both trainers and supervisors in Italy for I.I.B.A. (in New York, founded by Alexander Lowen) www.bioenergetic-therapy.com
He has been certified by the I.I.F.A.B (www.iifab.org) to guide and lead Bioenergetics Exercise Groups/Classes.
He studied Chinese medicine, and has been trained in shiatsu massage.
He studied Chi Kung, with various world-recognized Chinese Masters (Master Li Xiao Ming, Hu Lijuan, Wang Ting and Ming Wong).
He has also studied Kundalini yoga (www.yogadharma.it) and the martial art of Aikido, for many years.
He followed the Gurdjieff's teaching in a school in Rome and Los Angeles.
Among other things, Pasquale collaborates with local State social assistants and professionals, training and assisting to integrate youth and adult handicapped through creativity and zen education.
He has written and directed 6 short films, in Italy and Germany.
He practices boxing at an amateur level to keep him awake!